ITT's 8th Annual EU Debate takes place on Wednesday 23rd February in L108 (Solas Building) North Campus at 7.30 p.m. The motion for this year's debate is "This House believes that Ireland has lost its sovereignty". Two teams drawn from the Higher Certificate in Business Studies, Year 2 and the Bachelor of Business Studies, Year 2 will debate the motion in what promises to be a lively exchange of views. Proposing the motion and representing the HCBS are Vilde Grigaityte, Michael Kelly and Gary O'Connor. Opposing the motion and representing Bachelor of Business Studies, are Katie Moloney, Grace Kerins and Alexander Akinyemi.
The guest speaker for the event is Executive Director of European Movement (Ireland) Andrea Pappin. Andrea will give a presentation on graduate opportunities to work and intern in EU institutions and EU agencies, as well as a range of private companies and NGOs. Her visit to IT Tralee is part of European Movement's national campaign to inform students about the range of career opportunities open to Irish graduates in Europe. According to Andrea, if we don't start feeding more Irish graduates into the EU system, Ireland will be under represented in the EU civil service within a decade.
This event is sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs, "Communicating Europe Initiative" with the support of the European Commission (Dublin) and European Movement (Ireland). The event is free and open to the public.
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